When you volunteer you are not paid in love. People may forget what you said and people may forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them feel.
- Anonymous

Serving Is Our Core Value
CF Fitness offers a chance to reflect on your childhood memories by given you the opportunity to play structured games with students. This helps increase employee satisfaction, retain competitive talent, and raise brand awareness for your organization in our community.
Our Coaches will train and support your employees in the course of a volunteer engagement, ensuring that our employees may have an impact by:
Modeling positive behaviors and offering encouragement to every kid
Teaching values like collaboration and teamwork
Playing playground games with children
Unlocking outside of the box thinking
Using conflict resolution skills through Rock, Paper, Scissors
Enhancing Playgrounds
Delivering PBIS curriculum on leadership, goal-setting, or other topics of your choosing (that align with CF Fitness values).

Volunteer Positions
Honorary Coach
The position of Honorary Coach supports children in the CF Fitness Structured Physical Activities STEAM skill development program for elementary and middle school students. The coaching program is designed to encourage, guide, teach conflict resolution and break the adult child barrier.
Key Responsibilities
The Honorary Coach works with kids in our STEAM program to teach the skills necessary to be part of a successful inclusive playground. Honorary Coach assists the Lead Coach at the site by helping to improve the children’s safety, teamwork and leadership through games. Time frame 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Events Volunteer
The position of Events Volunteer supports CF Fitness programs on weekday afternoons and weekends. These can be one-time events, multiple times per week or weekly sports events for elementary and middle school students.
Key Responsibilities
•Plan, promote, and execute school partner or community engagement events.
•Help with logistical, “day of” tasks like setting up and breaking down equipment, or running registration
•Engage local businesses and organizations to support events
Weekend Coach
The position of Weekend Coach supports children in the CF Fitness sports skill development program for elementary and middle school students. The coaching program is designed to encourage, guide and train youth through organized sports.
Key Responsibilities
Promote teamwork and sports fundamentals as a assistant coach
Help with sports planning and execution
Support wide-ranging coaching for youth participants
What It Takes
Commitment: Sports support volunteers will need to be available between 8a.m. – 10a.m. Fall and Spring.
Enthusiasm: We’re looking for flag football, soccer, basketball, or baseball who can teach kids the fundamentals of the sport.
Desire: If you want to be a consistent, positive role model in kids lives and help them grow through developmental sports join the movement.

Yes! I Want to Volunteer!
Convenient Fun Fitness Inc individual volunteers play a crucial role in empowering youth to be kinder, active, and engaged learners. Our diverse volunteers span generations and backgrounds, but they all share a passion for helping kids discover their best selves.
As a Convenient Fun Fitness Inc volunteer, you won’t sit on the sidelines. You’ll be trained by one of our CF Fitness experts who’ll help you jump into the action and make a difference. Whether you want to help build young leaders on the playground, or improve employee collaboration through a playground transformation project, Convenient Fun Fitness Inc creates unique volunteer opportunities to fit your needs